Towing and scuttlingThe platform manager’s life insurance policy

French Expert Report

The accident was investigated by French experts in connection with the legal proceedings against the builders and designers of the rig.
Written by Norwegian Petroleum Museum
- Oversiktsbilde av plattformen Alexander L. Kielland. Et helikopter står på helikopterdekket. (Foto: Ukjent/Norsk Oljemuseum)

French expert report:  

Expert report (1985) Platform Alexander L. Kielland. The accident on 27 March 1980. Tribunal de Commerce de Paris, June 1985.  

The report was translated from French to English when it was published in 1985. See the translated document here: Skanna materiale: Sjøfartsdirektoratet med forløpere, generelt arkiv, RA/S-1407/D/Ds/Dsb/L0632: Flyttbare innretninger, 1981 – Skanna arkiver – Arkivverket ( 


Experts report vol 2, 1985-1986: 

Skanna materiale: Pa 1503 – Stavanger Drilling AS, SAST/A-101906/Da/L0008: Alexander L. Kielland – Rettssak i Paris, 1983-1989 – Skanna arkiver – Arkivverket ( 


Reaction to the French expert report in the Norwegian media: 

Skanna materiale: Pa 1503 – Stavanger Drilling AS, SAST/A-101906/Da/L0008: Alexander L. Kielland – Rettssak i Paris, 1983-1989 – Skanna arkiver – Arkivverket ( 


Survivors and bereaved were informed of the French report through Kielland Bulletin No. 4 August 1985 written by Kian Reme. 

Skanna materiale: Pa 1660 – Kielland- fondet, SAST/A-102242/X/Xa/L0001: Rapport til overlevende og etterlatte/ Kielland Bulletin, 1980-1998 – Skanna arkiver – Arkivverket ( 


Norwegian comments on the French Experts report:  

Almar-Næss, A., P.J. Haagensen and T. Simonsen (1986) Comments on the french Experts report concerning the causes of the loss of the “Alexander L. Kielland” platform. Trondheim: SINTEF. 

Skanna materiale: Pa 1503 – Stavanger Drilling AS, SAST/A-101906/Da/L0008: Alexander L. Kielland – Rettssak i Paris, 1983-1989 – Skanna arkiver – Arkivverket ( 



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