In memory of Kian

The Norwegian Petroleum Museum had the pleasure of working with Kian on the documentation project about the Kielland accident at the Norwegian Petroleum Museum, which has spanned over three years and is now in its concluding phase. Without Kian Reme, this project would hardly have been realised.
Kian was a fearless and decisive man, always available when needed. He was never afraid to voice his opinion and always followed his convictions, but he could also listen, change his mind, and help find compromises.
In the documentation project, project manager Else Tungland and Kian made two trips together to the United Kingdom, where they met British bereaved families. Here, many relatives expressed that the contact with Kian and the Kielland Foundation was the only follow-up they had received after the accident. Some had saved these newsletters for over 40 years.
The newsletters from the Kielland Foundation and most of the archives of Kian’s work on the Kielland case are now available in the Digital Archive. This is an impressive amount of documents that testify to his determination and tireless efforts. In recent years, he also wrote two books, both of which testify to his dedication and engagement in the Kielland case, with the questions he still wanted answers to documented.
Kian Reme has left a lasting legacy. He will be remembered as a pillar who stood up for others. Our thoughts go out to Kian’s family and relatives.
Björn Lindberg, Acting Museum Director, Norwegian Petroleum Museum