The Construction Process

Archives/Memory Bank

Discover material about the Kielland accident in archival sources.
Written by Norwegian Petroleum Museum

Some of the publicly available sources concerning the accident are the University of Stavanger’s Memory Bank and the Norwegian Digital Archives. They are available for free text searches, for example places, events or persons that you want to find more information about.


University of Stavanger Memory Bank

The University of Stavanger’s Memory Bank consists of notes from conversations with people who have shared their experiences and reflections about how the Alexander L. Kielland disaster has afflicted them. Using the link above you can search the Memory Bank.


Norwegian Digital Archives

The Norwegian Digital Archives have digitised large amounts of source materials such as board meeting minutes and yearly reports.


Photo archives

A good amound of photographs of the Kielland rig are available, from its construction, uprighting and finally scuttling. We have organized them in albums by theme.


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